Healthy Chickens and Turkeys, Naturally

Lowan Park Produce is a farming family from Bordertown on the Limestone Coast that have been on the same farm since the 1920’s.  They have chosen to use regenerative agricultural principles on their fam to ensure the land is managed sustainably as they care for the animals and the environment.

The chickens are moved to fresh grass on a daily basis where they can enjoy the sunshine and a low-stress life!  This process fertilises the paddocks while providing a natural and environmentally friendly way to grow chickens.

Lucy Dodd who is a fourth generation farmer is passionate about connecting consumers with farmers and was excited to join the Adelaide Showground Farmers’ Market as a stallholder having once been a regular market goer when she lived in Adelaide.  Since returning to the farm and starting the poultry business she has dreamt about sharing her pasture raised chickens and free range turkeys with the Adelaide community and now her dream is a reality.

At Lowan  Park Produce they use every part of the animal possible including signature whole pasture raised chicken and deliver all produce fresh or frozen depending on seasonal availability.  You can pre-order your favourite chicken and turkey cuts so you don’t miss out.

Meet Lucy at the market with fresh chicken and turkey cuts, organ meats and dog treats from the Limestone Coast every week inside the Angus Stirling pavilion.